Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Objectives: The student will develop an awareness of individual differences among people, i.e., a realization that no two people are exactly alike.


1. Explain the rules of the game. The children will be told that they will take turns describing someone else in the class. It is often a good idea to have the child who is describing a classmate to close his eyes, to avoid the tendency to look at the person and not his or her clothing.
2. Encourage the children to mention other thinks such as what the person likes to do; his physical characteristics; what he does well, etc…Encourage the children to stress good or nice thinks about he person is helpful.
3. After the child has described someone else, he will open his eyes, and call on those who think they know who he was describing.
4. The child who guesses correctly will be next at describing another person.

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