Monday, May 3, 2010

The Fix-It Game

Practice desirable skills for interacting with and relating to others.
Identify and describe that the ways in which something is said affects the way others feel.

Level: Grades l-5

1. Students to listen to the following statements one at a time and decide how the statements might make another person feel.
2. Students fix the statements by giving a more appropriate way to state the same message
3. Gimme some milk. (Ex. May I have some milk, please?)
4. Come on, stupid, you skipped my turn.
5. Hey, dumb-dumb, don’t you know that word?
6. Teacher, no way am I going to clean up that mess.
7. Mother, I’m not gonna take a bath in the middle of this T.V. program, and you can’t make me.
8. Get out of my way, fatso. I was here first.
9. I’m better than anyone else in this whole class, so I get to go first.
10. Discuss how people would react if you spoke to them in the above manner.
11. Talk about why it is important to use more appropriate language.

Role playing activities may be developed from this procedure.
Give students a card with a situation that is spoken in a negative manner. Have the students reverse to positive manner and role play in front of the class.