Secondary Education

Links for High School Students
Choices Explorer (Online Portfolio)
Utah Mentor (Online Portfolio)
Career Information Services (Online Portfolio)
Utah Futures (Search for Careers etc…)
Career Planning)
My Planning)
CTE Information(State Website)
CTE Weber School District(CTE, Magnet Schools etc…)
Project Lead the Way Website
Career Pathways (High School and Career Pathways)
Course Advisor
Utah's Electronic High School

UTAH High Schools Requirements for Graduation:

27 Credits are required to graduate from High School. All students are encouraged to enroll in courses which provide for the development of specific job skills, prepare them for post high school education and provide enrichment to life. Requirements are outlined in the following chart.

Beginning with the class of 2006, the Utah Basic Skill Competency Test (UBSCT) is required for graduation. It consists of three tests:
Reading, Math, and Writing.
Each student will have five chances to pass the three sections of the test.

Additionally, students must maintain a .75 attendance credit loss or less in order to graduate. Attendance credit exceeding .75 must be made up according to Weber School District policy.

Career Technology Education (CTE): 1.0 credit
Computer Technology: .5 credit
LA 9,10, 11, elective (English): 4.0 credits
Fine/Performing Arts: 1.5 credits

Fitness for Life: .5 credit
Health: .5 credits
Physical Education: 1.0 credits
Math (2 different areas): 3.0 credits
Science (2 different areas): 3.0 credits
9th - Geography: .5 credit
10th - World Civilization: 1.0 credit
11th – US History: 1.0 credit
12th - U.S. Govt. & Citizenship: .5 credit
Personal Finance (Financial Literacy): .5 credit