Career development is a complex process during which a person develops and refines a sense of self and a career identity including work maturity and ability to plan and set goals.
V.G. Zunker
Assessment Goals
1. Career Beliefs
2. Identify Skills, Proficiencies, and Abilities
3. Identify Academic Achievement
4. Identify and Confirming Interests
5. Discovering Personality
6. Discovering Values
7. Exploring Career Maturity
8. Using Computer Resources
* Instruct the student to write an autobiography
* Search for patterns, values, and life script
* Search for specific variables
* Ask questions such as:
How did you become who you are?
What does your family want you to be?
Who has had the most influence on you?
What do you predict that you will do as a career?
What are some major events in your life?
* Explore self for awareness
* Discover likes and dislikes
* Explore students interests
* Use imagination
* Discuss students hobbies
* Talk about school and favorite subjects
Together the student and the counselor:
* Collaborative relationships
* Negotiate role and assessment
* Describe principles and self-assessments
* Select appropriate assessments
* Formulate goals
* Re-evaluate
* Allow for self-exploration and decision making
* Remember that the career decision is ultimately the student's choice.