Mission Statement
The school counseling program will empower all students to achieve their greatest potential in the areas of academics, career, and personal/social and character development.
An effective school counseling program:
* teaches life skills
* involves all students
* allows for goal setting opportunities
* provides a safe place for problem solving
* helps all children to become successful adults
* understands and values the student's capabilities
* facilitates and supports reciprocal integration of the curriculum
* promotes supportive and collaborative issues among parents and the community
* include age appropriate issues such as careers, academics, and personal/social
Other beliefs:
Additionally, effective school counseling programs:
* encourage life-long learning
* believe that all students are capable of learning
* believe that when students trust in themselves they are more open to learning
* society benefits as a whole from a comprehensive school counseling program
Viewing guidance and counseling from a statewide perspective, several challenges emerge that reflect a need to refocus the energy of guidance and counseling efforts. Guidance and counseling cannot be seen as the exception rather than the rule. A better job must be done in communicating the added value of guidance and counseling to the entire educational community of parents and community. By applying a comprehensive school counseling program it becomes possible for counselors to conduct an effective and beneficial program, for all students. School counselors are expected to provide support to every student so each individual can achieve success. Counselors work with all students, parents, teachers, and community members. Counselors support the district's educational program through professional organizations, development, activities, and committee work. Counselors also support their own program through management and research activities, community outreach, and professional development.
Student Benefits:
* Prepares all students in all areas of academics and career choices
* Assists all students in the development of positive social and personal skills
* Provides continuity for smooth and effective levels of transition from Kindergarten through the Fifth Grade
* Guarantees services to all students
* Focuses on the students needs
* Develops proactive skills
* Provides age-appropriate levels of interaction and instruction
* Helps all students become more resourceful in decision-making
Parent Benefits:
* Encourages involvement of parents in students' learning environment
* Provides parents timely, appropriate support and resources when needed
* Increases opportunities for parent, student, and counselor interaction
* Brings about better understanding of the guidance and counseling program
Teacher Benefits:
* Promotes a team effort to address school counseling competencies
* Increases teacher accessibility to counselor as a multiple resource
* Integrates curriculum and associated competencies
* Integrates interdisciplinary approach with all curriculum areas
Administrator Benefits:
* Creates structured program with specific school counseling competencies
* Provides accountability to school counseling program
* Facilitates team approach between administration and school counseling program
* Encourages better understanding of the role of counselors and the total guidance program
Local Board of Education Benefits:
* Provides a rationale for school counseling as a comprehensive program in the school system and the roles of counselors
* Creates greater school-community interaction
Counseling Staff Benefits:
* Provides a clearly defined set of functions
* Integrates the school counseling program with other school curriculum programs
* Articulates competencies that students are expected to achieve as a result of participating in a comprehensive developmental school counseling program