Saturday, February 27, 2010


We are helpful to our families
Grade Level: K-3
Objectives: The student will become aware of the interdependency of family members.
Materials Needed: Paper and Crayons

1. Instruct the students to fold their papers in half and on one side draw and color a picture of him/herself and on the other side draw his family. Also tell them to draw a circle above each member. They will use the circle later in the activity.
2. After discussing the meaning of the work DEPEND, ask each child to describe ways in which they depend on their parents: for example, income, play, teaching, love, care, etc… have children draw a star in the circle above the parents that illustrate the responsibilities of the parents.
3. Discuss how children have responsibilities at home. Ask the student to think of ways in which their parents depend on them: for example, making beds, setting the table, taking out the garbage, picking up games and toys, etc… List their responsibilities on the board. Tell the children to draw a heart of their responsibilities in the circle above themselves in their picture.
4. Discuss what might happen if one member of the family fails to do his/her job, and the possible consequences. Ask how a family is like a team.

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