Monday, March 1, 2010

Why have Comprehensive Guidance Counseling

Why have school guidance counselors?

All professional school counselors must have a master's degree and must meet other certification requirements as defined by each state. Elementary counselors are responding to today's needs by providing children with comprehensive and developmental school counseling program. Professional school counselors address the needs of students through the implementation of comprehensive, standards-based, and they develop the school counseling program. School counselors work with all students, including those who are considered at-risk and those with special needs. They are specialists in human behavior and relationships that will provide assistance to students through four primary interventions: group and individual counseling, class guidance lessons, coordination, and consultation.
Individual and group counseling: helps students resolve or cope constructively with their problems and developmental concerns. All counseling sessions are confidential and conducted professionally using appropriate techniques. Class guidance lessons: provided to all students in a classroom setting. All guidance activities are designed to foster students' academic and personal/social development. Coordination: counselors organize, manage and evaluate the school counseling program. Counselors assist parents in obtaining needed services for their children through a referral and follow-up process and serves as liaison between the school and community agencies so that efforts are collaborated to help all students. Consultation: counselors work with parents, teachers, administrators, school psychologists, social workers, school nurses, etc… to plan and implement appropriate strategies to help students be successful in the education system. Student Portfolios: creating their individual portfolio assesses students.
Overall, school counselors are student advocates who cooperatively work with other individuals and organizations to promote the academic, career, and character development our children. They collaborate with teachers, administrators, and families to help children be successful in school and life. Counselors are an integral part of the school's effort to insure a safe and appropriate learning environment for all children.

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