Monday, March 1, 2010


Jenga is a wooden block game that can be purchased at most toy departments. The objective is to find out about fellow students, while working on the concept of teamwork, support, etc. With one hand, the student must remove a block from a level at least four below the top, then place the block on the top of the stack. As the student removes the block he/she can tell a quality about him/herself, respond to the statement "If you really knew me, you would know that I . . ." or any other statement that the facilitator believes appropriate.

Often a student will deliberately knock the blocks down. At that time, you can provide an object lesson such as: "In group we can knock each other down, or we can work together to support each other. . ." or "This is symbolic of the fact that we all need a strong foundation. Even though this is just a game, if we don't have a support system or foundation in our lives . . ."

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