Monday, March 1, 2010

Program Definition for Comprehensive Guidance

Comprehensive school-counseling program is designed to benefit all elementary students. The benefits include development in the areas of academic achievement, career development, and character building. Guidance and counseling is a process by which students are assisted in making decisions and altering behavior. Counseling gives students the opportunity to learn particular skills and experience an assortment of opportunities in a proactive and preventative manner, which ensure that all students can achieve success through academic and character building/social development. School counselors are committed to direct all students in every area.
We aim for all students:

* To demonstrate positive attitudes towards self-uniqueness and worthiness
* To gain skills that is necessary and interesting for life planning
* For all students to develop responsible social skills and to understand and appreciate being a contributing member of society
* To notice and appreciate the process of life learning, growing, and changing

Academic Development

Character/Personal/Social Development

Career Development
Implementation of strategies and activities that include student learning.
* Acquire skills and knowledge to learn effectively.
* Achieve success, using variety of strategies.
* Learn how academics relate to every day life at home and at school. Provide the foundation for personal and social growth development.
* Develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge to respect others and self.
* Develop effective interpersonal skills to better communicate with friends and family.
* Understand that to be a contributing member of society is important.
* Develop safety and survival skills. Provide the foundation for acquiring the skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable students to make a successful transition from school to the world of work.
* Strategies to achieve future career success.
* Understand the relationship between personal qualities, education and training.
* Develop goals, and become aware of a variety of careers.

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