Monday, March 1, 2010

Bridge Building

Divide the group into teams of 4-6 members, and give each team a stack of newspapers and some masking tape. The facilitator should have a large heavy jug or can. Instruct each group to build a bridge that is tall enough and wide enough for the jug, turned any direction, to go under the bridge. The bridge must also be strong enough to hold the jug without collapsing.

1. The groups will be given 3 minutes to plan the bridge and 10 minutes to build it. One group member will be given the job of observer and sent to the facilitator for a quick training. The observer is given a sheet with the following questions:
* Who "bought out" of the situation and who sat back and did not participate?
* Who emerged as a leader, and how did that happen?
* Did anyone put others down?
* Who dominated the situation?
* Was there a person who took care of others, in terms of feelings or encouragement?
* Was there clarification?
* Was there a timekeeper? (Who kept the group going by watching the clock?)

After the time is up and the group has finished the task, the group will process the group roles, as determined by the observer. Then the group should be asked:
* What did you see happening (not what group members felt, just what they saw and heard)?
* How did you feel?
* What did you see yourself do?
* What did you learn about others?
* What would you do differently next time?

Then the teams should return to the large group and process their experiences.

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