Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reality Techniques

Glasser believed that most behavior is a response to an external signal (things that occur around us). He believed that a single person could make people to do whatever it is he/she wanted even if the people do not want to do it. He also believed that people let other people control how they think, act, and feel. And then place blame. Reality therapy is based on choice. Therefore the student must exam and focuses on his/her belief system. Treatment will occur when the student makes changes and strategies. One of those changes must be that the student realizes that he/she can not change others.

To begin the process of reality therapy, behavior is viewed as a choice and certain steps will occur:

1. Build a good relationship with the student.
2. Have students describe their present behavior.
3. Have students evaluate what their life is like and what they are doing to help themselves. Make a list of what has helped and what hasn't.
4. Together look for possible alternatives for getting what is wanted out of life. And put them in writing.
5. The student will then have to make a commitment to try the alternatives.
6. Then together examine the results of the commitments.
7. Use attainable and clear alternatives so the consequences are logical.
8. Be persevering and sincere when assisting the student who is determined to destroy his/her self-esteem.

Questions Asked
Questions to ask in the interview process of using Reality Therapy.

* What are you doing?
* Is what you are doing helping you get what you want?
* If not, what might be some other things you could try?
* Which idea would you like to try first?
* When would you like to try?

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