Monday, March 1, 2010

Square Puzzle

The large group divides into small groups of 4-5 people. Each group is given a package with five envelopes in it (in the package are five square pictures cut apart, with the pieces split at random among five envelopes). Each group member is to obtain the pieces to complete his/her own square. Group members must trade pieces with each other. However, no one can ask for a puzzle piece; they can only be given one by a group member. Once each member in the small groups has completed his/her square, the large group should re-form. Groups should process how it felt to have to watch others to meet their needs, and how it felt not to be able to ask for what they needed.
Drawing a Picture by Instruction Only

The large group divides into dyads. One member of each dyad is the designated artist, and the other is the dictator. The dictator is given three pictures of shapes for the artist to draw. The artist is given three blank pieces of paper.
There are three phases to this exercise:

* Phase One: The artist and the dictator sit with their backs to each other. The dictator describes the picture to the artist. The artist must draw the picture but is not allowed to ask any questions.
* Phase Two: This time the artist and the dictator are in the same position, but the artist can ask questions about the dictator's description.
* Phase Three: This final time the dictator can watch the artist follow his/her instructions and can redirect if he/she sees the artist doesn't understand. The artist can still ask questions.

After all three phases are completed, the group will process the experience.

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