The Lifestyle Assessment
1. Name of Sibling
2. Brief description of each
3. Which is most different from me?
4. Which is most like me?
5. Which played together?
6. Which fought each other?
7. Who took care of whom?
8. Unusual achievements?
9. Accidents or Sickness?
10. What kind of a child were you?
11. What was school like for you?
12. What childhood fears did you have?
13. What were your childhood ambitions?
14. What was your role in your peer group?
15. Any significant events in your physical and sexual development?
16. Any highlights in your social development?
17. What where the most important values in your family?
18. What stands out most for you about your family life?
Family Constellation: Birth Order and Sibling Description
Family Constellations: Parents
1. Parents Current Age:
2. Parents Occupations
3. What kind of people are they…
4. Ambitions, parents had for children…
5. My childhood view of parents…
6. Parents favorite child…
7. Parents relationship to children…
8. Sibling most like…
9. Parent's relationship with each other…
10. Views and reactions to parents…
11. Parents' relationship to the children…
12. Other adults in our lives
Early Recollections and Dreams
1. My earliest memory?
2. Other early recollections?
3. Feelings I had that associated with early memories?
4. Recall any childhood dreams?
5. Do you have any recurring dreams?
Lifestyle Summary
1. What stands out most about my role in my family?
2. Summarize early recollections. Any themes through your early memories?
3. List my mistaken self-defeating perceptions.
4. What are my strengths as a person?
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