Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Decision Making

# Say to the students, “Today we are going to talk about making decisions. Some decisions are big and others are small. Sometimes adults make the decisions for us and other times we need help from adults, like when we need to buy a shirt, if we are going over to a friend’s house, etc.”

“We are going to start today by making a decision. I am going to give you two choices. If you decide on one choice you need to go to one corner and if you decide the opposite you need to go to the opposite corner.” [Or ask the students to stand up or sit down to choose the situation so there is less movement in the class]. Ask the students to stand up. State the following scenarios…
“You have a choice…”McDonalds or Pizza Hut for lunch. If you want McDonalds go by the window & if you want Pizza Hut go to the other side of the room”.
Eating lunch from home or school
Staying inside to play or going outside
Jumping rope vs. kickball
Valleyfair or Camp Snoopy
Do you like to do things alone or in a group
Helping Dad inside the house or outside the house

Process the activity: What decisions were easy? Did you need help making the decisions? Who can help? What made you choose jumping rope over kickball? When your friend went to one side did that make you want to go over there, too? Summarize!

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