Thursday, April 15, 2010

Motivation/Goal Setting

1. Ask the children, what will you do after school today? Have you thought about doing something special? How would you go about it? List the children's answers on the board.
2. What would you do if you found a quarter? Would you spend it on candy? What else might you plan to do with it? What kinds of plans does our mother make for you? Does she plan to take you to school, or to fix your dinner?
3. What of what we might do we plan and some we don't plan. For example, you don't plan to fall down and bump your head or to lose a favorite toy.
4. Ask the children: Can you think of something you have done that you didn't plan? List the children's answers. Can you think of something you like to do that you do plan? (e.g. Painting a picture requires some planning) List the children's answers.
5. With the class, plan a project or an activity to be done at a later time. List the materials they'll need and the things they need to do. Make a time line of what needs to be done.

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