Monday, April 19, 2010

Paying Attention Tip

Introduce non-verbal communication to students emphasizing that they will learn to communicate more effectively using their bodies. Have a student send the rest of the group a message using only their facial or body language. Have the rest of the students guess what message the student is sending. Do a classroom activity where a list of ways to communicate non-verbally is generated. List the ways on the blackboard or overhead. Ways include smiling, clenched fists, hands folded, scowling, and a head nod. Introduce proper listening body behavior: sitting up straight, using eye contact, and leaning into the speaker or presenter. Explain how each gesture lets the speaker know that they are being listened to. Explain how these skills help the students to become more successful in school and that teachers prefer students who pay attention. Here are the three skills they learn in this lesson:

1. Sitting up straight – sitting nice and tall with their bottom on the seat and straight back. Not being so firm that you feel you might break, but tall enough to signify you are listening.
2. Eye contact – looking at the person who is talking, but not staring.
3. Leaning in – leaning toward the speaker and nodding your head to signify you are absorbing what the speaker is saying.

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